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Avigliana Moon Race
Van Zaterdag, 16 April 2011 -  8:00
Tot Zondag, 17 April 2011 -  1:00
Hi guys!!!
This to let you know about a night surfski race near Torino.I know about it from a team who trains in the same lake where I coach.
For more info contact Eliana Reggiori by e-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. on FB:
to the web page of the event:
Hope to meet you there!!!
Elena Prelle
Avigliana Moon Race

16 April 2011

14.30 Race Registration
19.00 Dinner at the “Chalet del Lago” restaurant
22.00 Departure of the Race 18km
00.00 Twilo Club Disco Polinesian Party and Award Ceremony

17 April 2011

09.00 Race Registration
10.00 Start of the Water Iron Man Woman Race
10.30 Start of the Sprint Race
13.00 Lunch
Locatie Via Monginevro 26. Avigliana, Italië